Optimising Permeable Paving with Flow Control
Bob Bray, Robert Bray Associates
Over 25 years use, concrete block permeable paving has demonstrated unique capabilities as a multifunctional SuDS technology. It combines a structural pavement with water conveyance, attenuation and storage, together with pollution treatment to provide a gradual supply of clean water for amenity and biodiversity.
This 30-minute webinar video explores how straightforward flow controls can optimise and expand these capabilities, with techniques including water storage in paving compartments deployed around a site to integrate SuDS within development and to avoid additional land-take.
An essential introductory guide to all aspects of permeable paving for designers, developers, planners, regulators and all those involved with development. This edition reflects the latest thinking based on experience from long-term usage and reviews recent innovations and developments.
Introducting an innovative approach to retrofitted permeable paving, delivering SuDS as part of low intervention highway asset renewal or regeneration, particularly when incorporating trees.
Concrete block permeable paving can help to reduce urban heat island effects, with evaporation and transfer of heat in rainwater within the paving.
This project in Cambourne, Cambridgeshire demonstrates that SuDS work and should cost less than conventional piped drainage in terms of construction, maintenance and whole-life costs. It also highlights the robust performance of concrete block permeable paving with minimal maintenance requirements – and lower whole-life costs.
It demonstrates the use of as many SuDS techniques as possible, including concrete block permeable paving, used in combination with other elements to form an effective management train. Despite being retro-fitted to a conventional housing layout, the SuDS are fully integrated with the landscape and have proved to be effective in managing rainfall as well as popular with residents.
To see a selection of Permeable Paving & SuDS projects please click here.
Multifunctional Sustainable Drainage
Concrete Block Permeable Paving is an essential sustainable drainage (SuDS) technique. It simply allows water to pass through joint filling material in gaps between concrete paving blocks or flags into the underlying permeable sub-base. Here, it is stored and released gradually to help prevent flooding. At the same time, many pollutants are substantially removed and treated within the pavement itself.
Key benefits include:
- Reducing, attenuating and treating runoff near the surface
- Direct infiltration or conveyance to the management train
- Multi-functional SuDS meeting current guidelines
- Established technology with proven performance
- No additional land-take and lower whole-life costs
- Safe, level, puddle-free, shared surfaces for all
- A gradual supply of clean water for landscape, biodiversity and harvesting
Learn more about permeable paving and SuDS in the video above and the following downloads.
Guidance on spatial planning, structural and hydraulic design, specification, detailing, construction and maintenance of concrete block permeable pavements.
This document brings together a variety of construction details, demonstrating best practice to make permeable paving and SuDS robust and durable over the long-term.
This document provides a comprehensive illustration of the engineering design process set out in Sections 6 - 10 of ‘Design & Construction of Concrete Block Permeable Pavements’, Edition 7:2018.
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Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8DG, UK