Essential Permeable Paving for SuDS Guide
Interpave has published the new Edition 7 of its definitive guidance document ‘Design and Construction of Concrete Block Permeable Pavements’, now available to download.
Concrete Block Permeable Paving (CBPP) technology has proven itself over decades of successful use in the UK and around the world – notably in Germany since the mid-1980s. Experience of CBPP in use in the UK over more than 20 years has demonstrated its long-term performance with minimal, if any, maintenance. The guide’s primary aims are to ensure that CBPP delivers predictable, robust solutions and to minimise cost, maintenance and adoption issues.
Interpave’s guide is intended for planners, urban designers, engineers, local authorities and other decision makers to assist them in the design, construction, approval and maintenance of CBPP on developments. Its scope includes the use of CBPP as a key SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) technique but it covers other types of application as well. It deals with all aspects and stages of design, relevant to the various professions constituting the project design team, from initial master-planning through to detailed design and construction, and finally post-construction.
This latest edition includes an extensive new Glossary and covers the most recent CBPP techniques, such as overlays to existing road constructions and enhanced, predictable water storage using flow controls. The structural and hydraulic engineering design procedures have been comprehensively updated and new, straightforward maintenance and reinstatement guidance added. The guide is freely available to download via the Design Construction & Maintenance section.