New Permeable Paving & SuDS Detailing Guide Published

Interpave’s new guidance document, ‘Detailing Permeable Paving & SuDS with Precast Concrete Products’, is now available to download here. This document brings together a variety of construction details, demonstrating best practice to make SuDS robust and durable over the long-term.
Precast concrete paving products from Interpave manufacturer members play important roles in ‘Sustainable Drainage Systems’ (SuDS) ranging from complete permeable pavements to standard components helping other SuDS techniques work more effectively. SuDS intercept, convey, store and treat surface water by attenuation and filtration with the aim of replicating, as closely as possible, the natural drainage from a site before development.
This approach is characterised by low flow rates and water management on or near the surface using multifunctional SuDS techniques. A fresh approach to detailing is needed to suite these characteristics. Produced by SuDS designers Robert Bray Associates (sponsored by Interpave and Sheffield City Council), the details shown in the new guide have been successfully applied to SuDS projects, demonstrating their effectiveness on the ground.
They are intended as generic solutions to assist designers in developing their own project-specific details. The detail drawings are arranged in three sections: concrete block permeable paving (CBPP); features for CBPP or SuDS; features with precast concrete products. Further examples are illustrated with photographs and also in Interpave case studies here.