Case Study Published


Interpave’s latest case study re-visits the Martlesham Park & Ride project in Suffolk. Following 17-years of continuous use, it assesses the long-term performance of concrete block permeable paving (CBPP) and also its important benefits for urban trees.

Completed in 2003, the project utilised 14,000 m2 of CBPP for circulation, parking and pedestrian areas. It was one of three older projects where field tests were undertaken in 2020 by an Interpave member to better understand the effect trafficking, weathering and time have on CBPP systems. The research demonstrated that all three CBPP sites tested, despite receiving no specific maintenance to improve permeability, still provide infiltration rates that would cope with any likely UK rainfall event.

The Martlesham project was also the subject of a video showing the trials and also an illuminating interview with the original project designer about long-term performance and maintenance, and also the benefits of CBPP for trees.

View case study video here.

Download case study here.